clion google drive code cmake compile loop

clion goes on a compile loop when compiling files saved on google drive with google drive set to stream files 

please solve thanks 



Could you please elaborate on “clion goes on a compile loop”? What exactly happens?


when using google drive to store code 

and using file stream instead of file mirroring 

and opening a folder as a project from the stream folder clion goes on a compile loop when using vs build tools and cmake thanks 


What do you mean by compile loop? Does compilation never finish? Or does the building step happen recursively? Or something else?


it never ends you can you can setup lab with the conditions i mentioned and see for yourself


hi it seems the problems is only with clion i tried intellij using google drive stream code and it worked only clion has this problem it goes in a compile loop thanks 

  1. On what OS do you use CLion? 
  2. What toolchain do you use in CLion (File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Toolchains)? Please provide a screenshot.

hi using microsft build tools and the built in mingw when making a project with cmakelists using code stored in a google drive 

clion goes into a compile loop thanks even the new version 

