HTML Hard Wrap Max 999 Guide No Wrap

I have the hard wrap settings as 999 so should have long lines. However I get this. The Guide never moves doesnt matter what wrap setting I use stays in same place on screen and the href doesnt not get re-format onto a single line. Very annoying.

 I am new to webstorm something I am missing ?




I would like to inquire about the nature of the file you are referring to. Is it a pure HTML file or does it utilize a template? Additionally, could you please provide me with the details of your hard wrapping settings? Specifically, I am interested in the settings located in "Settings | Editor | Code Style | HTML" and "Settings | Editor | Code Style".

Thank you for your assistance.
Best regards,


Hello Lena,

Yes its an html file. Under Settings | Editor | Code Style | HTML" I have hard wrap at 999 however under "Settings | Editor | Code Style". it was set to 140 and default IDE. Changing the 140 removed the visual guide ie vertical line but ctrl +A and then ctrl +alt+L still does not reformat the ahref in the example image onto one line.


Please try disabling Keep line breaks in Settings | Editor | Code Style | HTML - does it help?


Thanks for reply. Tried that no difference I am afraid. I did not create these files and they were already formatted whoever was doing it obviously formatted for a small screen. All of the class, span, href  tags are wrapped and I cannot seem to reformat. They are long pages so it's a real nuisance.


please share a screenshot of quick documentation popup shown when you select your *.html file in Project tool window and hit F1 (or whatever shortcut is assigned to View | Quick documentation action) plus a screenshot of the Settings | Editor | Code Style | HTML | Other page


Please see below, The settings are default other then the ones advised here.




could this be causing the problem. I turned it off no difference


Yes, the Open HTML files as Handlebars/Mustache option is the culprit. HTML hard wrapping,etc. settings are not respected in handlebar templates, you need changing the hard wrapping settings in Settings | Editor | Code Style


Thank you for reply. However I am not sure that is the issue. I turned open as mustache off and restarted. in Settings | Editor | Code Style wrap is set to 300 but still get this. The class attribute does not re-format to single line.

Please could you share a file that reproduces the issue?

Good Morning, I cant see anywhere in this editor to upload a file ? How to share ? Just paste the code ?

You can upload it to some file server and share the link here. Or use the form and let me know the upload ID

Hello Elena,

Sorry for delay I have uploaded the form here.

If you look at lines 117-127 and try to re-format the block ctrl-alt-L it remains wrapped. The classes should all re-format to 1 line ?


Thank you for your help in providing all the details. I managed to reproduce the problem and have created a new ticket: Please vote for it to get notified on any progress

