Angular HTML templates indent size

Hi. Please help me with finding information about the reformat angular template.

When I reformat the html template with angular attributes, the next constructions like:


  <div class="menu-group">…</div>

rearrange my attributes with 4 spaces, but in the settings, and even in .editorconfig I have an indent size of 2 for html documents.

How can I set up my IDE so that the indent size remains always the same and thus for both element references and default html attributes?


What IDE version do you use? Also, do you have Prettier configured for your project in Settings | Languages & Frameworks | JavaScript | Prettier?


I'm always using latest version of WebStorm. And I don't use Prettier in my project


Does disabling editorconfig support make any difference?

Note also that attributes are indented according to Continuation indent settings (Settings | Editor | Code Style | HTML | Tabs and Indents, Continuation indent:)


I found the problem. I have different indent sizes for javascript and html. For javascript, it is 4, for html is 2. And when I changed the indent size for javascript to 2 also, all my problems went away. It's wrong logic because I think javascript indent size should not affect html documents. Should I create a request for this problem?

It doesn't affect the HTML indents for me. As I wrote, attributes in angular templates are indented according to 
Settings | Editor | Code Style | HTML | Tabs and Indents, Continuation indent preferences

You are right.  Ordinary attributes like class, type, even (click) and formControlName indented according to html settings. But if I declares DOM elements as variables, for example:
then attributes of such element start to indented according to javascript rules that you can find at Settings | Editor | Code Style | JavaScript | Tabs and Indents, Continuation indent preferences

Thank you for your help in investigating the issue. I managed to reproduce the problem and have created a new ticket: Please vote for it to get notified on any progress

Thanks for your help

