Why can't i make generics work on phpstorm ?
Hello, i've phpstorm 2023.2.2 and i'm trying to make a base generics example work, but without succes. The example is taken directly from this Jetbrain's video:
this is my code:
why can't i get the autocomplete suggestion on the object ?
is there some special tool to install to make phpstorm recognize generics ?
Looks like, you are missing →items after getUsers() here:
Could you please double-check that?
Thanks Vasily, this way it works.
Is there some way to make phpstorm understand that the collection is an iterable object, and thus infer the $user type variable in the foreach, without accessing directly the items property ?
Do you want to have something like this?

yes, with further researches i managed to obtain this result using this istruction on my collection:
@implements \IteratorAggregate<T>
now when i have a Collection object i can iterate over it and the type T is recognised. Thanks !