jshint global variable problem (not recognize)

Hi, I'm working on a js project that uses jshintrc files for global variable configuration, I've enabled jshint in the IDE's languages & framework settings with the default location.

In my jshintrc file I have several global variables that are declared like this:

 "node": true,
 "esversion": 8,
 "globals": {
   "WPS": true,
   "domain": true,
   "object": true,
   "request": true,
   "response": true,
   "parse": true,
   "moment": true,
   "_": true,
   "params": true

yet when I'm in a file I get this error, in the case of the request variable for example:

if (!request) {

Unresolved variable or type request

This error occurs for every global variable in the jshintrc file

Do you have any ideas on how to solve this problem? 


What does the error message look like? please share a screenshot of the error tooltip

Note that IDE own inspections don't take the JSHint configuration into account, they have to be configured separately


The error message looks like this 

How do I configure the IDE to recognize global variables in my jshintrc file? 
Thanks for your help 


thank you! The warning comes from the IDE own inspection
As I wrote, IDE inspections don't take the JSHint configuration into account. You can either suppress the error for statement using the // noinspection JSUnresolvedReference comment, or disable the JavaScript and TypeScript | General | Unresolved reference inspection for your project and rely on JSHint only when reporting undefined variables


Thanks for response, the issue can be closed now

