Features for webstorm

Hellow ,


Read-only mode:

When running the code, the last thing I need is changing the code and making the environment to restart. So, I would like to be able to set all editor tabs in mode read-only. And I would like to have the feature of opening a file in read-only mode.


Running event sound:

When the nodejs core starts, for running or for debugging, I would like to hear a sound with the event.


Running builds:

I would like to be able to see the last date and time when a build event was made.


Best regards ,

Jose M.


You can make a file read-only or writable using the action File | File Properties | Make File Read-only or by clicking on the status bar icon with a lock.

As for the build events, I'm not sure if anything can be done here as the IDE doesn't have any dedicated build actions, building is done by external tools 

