How to move line that separates Reformat Code

How to move line that separates Reformat Code?  This one: 



Hi there,

…separates Reformat Code

What do you mean by that? I assume you are referring to the line length (the formatter tries to keep the lines shorter than that).


Anyway, that vertical line is a line length limit / hard warp. You may change it at “Settings/Preferences | Editor | Code Style”.

This also could represent the “visual guide” (just a line for the visual guidance, does not imply any limits on line length).

Please note that this can also be overridden at specific language level. For example for PHP:

BTW – it can also be set in your .editorconfig file (a common thing to have these days, lots of libraries/frameworks/project templates are using it). In this case it will take over the value from the IDE settings (see the area with yellow exclamation icon on my screenshots;  the whole nature of such files). Unless you disable EditorConfig for this project or completely.

