run new pycharm window from pycharm` terminal
Hello everyone. Could someone explain to me. I change the directory with working project in pycharm`s teminal while I work in the old project. How can I start the new project in the terminal? Which command should I type?
I use PyCharm 2022.3.3 (Professional Edition) in wnidows 11.
I'm sorry but I do not understand the question. Could you please elaborate?
Sure, I`m sorry that I wrote unclear the first time.
I use pycharm. There is open the "Project One". I type in the terminal path to "Project Two" and change the directory to directory where the "Project Two" is located. What should I type in the terminal to change pychqrm`s main window to "Project Two"?
Or, if you have a command-line launcher configured, you can do it from the command line: