IntelliJ 2023.3 Beta - Unable to save settings
Since yesterday IntelliJ freqently shows a popup which ask me to restart the IDE because it can't save settings. I'm not quite sure if it is an IntelliJ issue because I installed the Beta last week. I found some older articles which suggests to change access rights to the folders where the settings are stored. But as I#m a Windows user and everything is stored in my user profile folder this should not be a problem. Did anyone had similar problems in the past and may help me ?
Hello, Andreas Seibt. Could you please collect the IDE logs (
Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data
), share them using the JetBrains Uploads service, and write here the ID you receive? I want to check the full error message that should be reported there.Done: 2023_11_21_HMgm2jvjeBfUoWxiLyjGLD
I deleted the old logs and restarted IntelliJ to avoid unnecessary noise in the logs. I just started IntelliJ and waited until the first message was shown.
Thank you for sharing the logs.
In there, I see the following error:
It looks like you met the problem described in this issue in our YouTrack. Could you please confirm that you use Settings Sync with the Sync settings across: All JetBrains products option enabled?
I only sync settings across IntelliJ instances. But the YouTrack issue gives me a hint. In the past I used the “Rider Melon Dark” theme from the Rider UI Theme Pack plugin. But currently the plugin is disabled and I'm using the standard “Dark” theme.
Also, in the past I save a custom color scheme with the name “MyDefault”. But this is not visible in the editor settings any more.
And, maybe it's important, last weekend I updated the IntelliJ instance on my private notebook. On this one I have a color scheme named “MyDefault”. When I started this instance after upgrading the settings sync failed with the following exception:
Couldn't apply settings. Settings sync will be disabled.
org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.CheckoutConflictException: Checkout conflict with files:
at com.intellij.settingsSync.GitSettingsLog.applyState(GitSettingsLog.kt:163)
at com.intellij.settingsSync.GitSettingsLog.copyExistingSettings(GitSettingsLog.kt:122)
at com.intellij.settingsSync.GitSettingsLog.logExistingSettings(GitSettingsLog.kt:105)
at com.intellij.settingsSync.SettingsSyncBridge.applyInitialChanges(SettingsSyncBridge.kt:89)
at com.intellij.settingsSync.SettingsSyncBridge.initialize$intellij_settingsSync(SettingsSyncBridge.kt:72)
at com.intellij.settingsSync.SettingsSynchronizerKt$initializeSyncing$2.invoke(SettingsSynchronizer.kt:81)
at com.intellij.settingsSync.SettingsSynchronizerKt$initializeSyncing$2.invoke(SettingsSynchronizer.kt:80)
at com.intellij.openapi.progress.CoroutinesKt.blockingContextInner(coroutines.kt:321)
at com.intellij.openapi.progress.CoroutinesKt.access$blockingContextInner(coroutines.kt:1)
at com.intellij.openapi.progress.CoroutinesKt$blockingContext$2.invokeSuspend(coroutines.kt:198)
at com.intellij.openapi.progress.CoroutinesKt$blockingContext$2.invoke(coroutines.kt)
at com.intellij.openapi.progress.CoroutinesKt$blockingContext$2.invoke(coroutines.kt)
at kotlinx.coroutines.intrinsics.UndispatchedKt.startUndispatchedOrReturn(Undispatched.kt:78)
at kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScopeKt.coroutineScope(CoroutineScope.kt:264)
at com.intellij.openapi.progress.CoroutinesKt.blockingContext(coroutines.kt:197)
at com.intellij.settingsSync.SettingsSynchronizerKt.initializeSyncing(SettingsSynchronizer.kt:80)
at com.intellij.settingsSync.SettingsSynchronizerKt.access$initializeSyncing(SettingsSynchronizer.kt:1)
at com.intellij.settingsSync.SettingsSynchronizerApplicationInitializedListener$execute$2.invokeSuspend(SettingsSynchronizer.kt:57)
at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:584)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(CoroutineScheduler.kt:793)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(CoroutineScheduler.kt:697)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$
Caused by: org.eclipse.jgit.errors.CheckoutConflictException: Checkout conflict with files:
at org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheCheckout.doCheckout(
at org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheCheckout.checkout(
... 24 more
I've uploaded the collected logs from this instance too. The id is: 2023_11_22_294Sb8GYQnEfvQ9YAitWUE.
Andreas Seibt, thank you for the update and shared logs.
Could you please check if the color scheme MyDefault is presented inside the
folder in the IDE configuration directory and thesettingsSync/colors
folder, too? If so, I'd recommend either deleting this color scheme manually from both locations (for a better result, you should disable the Settings Sync selecting the Remove data… option first, and enable it again after deleting the schemes) or enabling the Rider UI Theme Pack plugin.The error message you shared is related to this bug report. However, in that case, it didn't affect the Settings Sync itself.
Could you please share the
folder from the configuration directory of this IDE and check if deleting it while the IDE is closed, helps? I want to take a look at the file that caused a conflict and the whole Settings Sync history in this case.I have uploaded the content of the settingsSync folder as well as two more IntelliJ logs (2023_11_22_NRNPgW2PvN31gZJ8gVEnuW).
I followed your suggestion and disabled Sync with removing the data from my account. Then I deleted the MyDefault color scheme and the complete settingsSync folder. This doesn't solved the problem. The message “can't save settings” comes even if settings sync is disabled. Log for this scenario is contained in the upload.
To be sure that our company proxy doesn't play a role I disconnected my VPN connection (this is the second log). I also tried to run IntelliJ as administrator with no effect.
Thank you for sharing the archives.
The MyDefault scheme wasn't the only custom scheme coming from Rider; now the _@user_ReSharper Light scheme causes the same error. I checked all the other schemes that are presented in the
folder and this one should be only incompatible with the IntelliJ IDEA one left. Could you please delete it using the same sequence of actions, too?Just in case, you can check the schemes to find the incompatible ones by yourself. To understand, if the scheme could cause the problems or not, you should open it and take a look at the first line, for example:
The key moment here is the
; if it is not Darcula or Default, most likely, the scheme will cause a similar problem in the IDE. We've fixed this problem with Rider schemes, and the fix should be available in the 2023.3 release.---
In the Settings Sync history of the folder you shared, I don't see a merge conflict. Could you please make sure you shared the correct one?
Many thanks for ýour comprehensive help. Deleting the theme did it. The annoying message is gone and everything works fine again. Regarding the merge conflict: as i deleted the settings sync data from my account and locally i think the conflict shouldn't occur again (I didn't see any message in the current log). I will also delete the settings sync data on my private notebook and pull the data from my account. Then everything should be in sync again.
Thank you for the update; I'm glad the problem is solved.
Please feel free to contact us in case of any questions or requests.
I have this issue Unable to save plugin settings (the plugin com.illuminatedcloud2.intellij failed to save settings please restart intellij idea)
I uninstall IntelliJ and install it again this occur after i installed the plugin and update New UI and updated to the new 2023.3 version.
Would you please help to solve this issue?
Hi Ismailazdev
Please go to the IDE plugins folder and remove the illuminatedcloud2 plugin's JAR file from there manually.
Hi Arina Efremova ,
Thank you very much.