[42000][1118] Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs.


I want to copy[F5] data from one database to another and prompt me to this


[42000][1118] Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs.

The database is the same, but the tables are different



We need to know the source and target databases and the table definition you're copying. Please also upload the idea log from Help - Show Log in Files onto our FTP and provide the upload id in your response.


This is my source database,wdzn1.wd_ebconfig,I want to copy the data to another database on this server,I want to upload the image attachment, but he prompted me that the upload failed  ‘上传失败Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'path')’,So I packaged and uploaded the pictures to FTP  https://uploads.jetbrains.com/

We still need you to provide the upload id you should get after uploading your data. Please also just tell us your database vendor and provide the table DDL you're copying for testing purposes.

My database is 

DBMS: MySQL (版本 5.7.23-log)
区分大小写: 普通形式=lower,分隔形式=lower
驱动程序: MySQL Connector/J (版本 mysql-connector-java-8.0.25 (Revision: 08be9e9b4cba6aa115f9b27b215887af40b159e0),JDBC4.2)

Ping: 36毫秒
SSL: no


source database DDL

-- auto-generated definition
create table wd_ebhisdata
    point_id   int          null comment '测点id',
    sensor_num varchar(100) null comment '传感器sn',
    measdate   datetime     null comment '采集时间',
    accx       float        null comment '径向方向加速度',
    accy       float        null comment '轴向方向加速度',
    accz       float        null comment '周向方向加速度',
    tempvalue  float        null comment '传感器当前温度值',
    battery    float        null comment '传感器当前电池电量,单位V',
    gsm        int          null comment 'gsm信号强度'
    comment 'E版历史数据表(根据企业id分表)';


I use shortcut keys F5 copy this table。this is datagrip generate DDL

create table worldtech.wd_ebhisdata
    point_id   integer        null,
    sensor_num varchar(21845) null,
    measdate   datetime       null,
    accx       float          null,
    accy       float          null,
    accz       float          null,
    tempvalue  float          null,
    battery    float          null,
    gsm        integer        null


The databases are all the same, the schema is different,I can copy this, but if it comes with data, it won't be able to be copied


If it's just copying an empty table, it's fine. If there's data, it's not

Thanks, it has been reproduced here:


Please follow this issue to stay updated on the progress.
