Indexing dependancies with an infinite loop (plugin update issue)

Since the update I got this morning, my project indexing itself with an infinite loop, make me unable to work, renaming file, and so many feature unusable since the indexing block too much feature for nothing.

I guess I have to wait you to fix the indexing loop bug.


I just fixed it by disabling ai assistant, and update all my plugins. In my end it was then a plugin issue.

After enabling those again, it worked, so I guess it was just the need to update all my plugins, I don't know the one I've to update..


Hello !

Same problem for me, with de following version

PhpStorm 2023.3
Build #PS-233.11799.232, built on December 1, 2023


I tried to invaldate cache but that does not solve the problem


Thanks !

This solution also worked for me.


Thank you! It worked for me too :)


Folks, it there any chance that you are using Symfony plugin and had an outdated version when an infinite indexing was reproducible?


Same here. Updating all plugins solves the issue. 

Symfony plugin was indeed enabled and out of date. I did not try to isolate the issue to that specific plugin, but it was indeed there…


Just need to update all plugins


Yes, strange enough, updating the plugins worked wonders. I already disabled the AI plugin, but the built in Dev Containers plugin was still enabled. Updating everything fixed the issue indeed. Strange behavior though, I have a pretty beefy PC, but all my cores were constantly at 50 / 60 % and I felt the temperature in my office rising :D

If there are any logs I can share to help the JetBrains team investigate this issue, let me know.


Vasiliy Yur Yes, I had symfony plugin. It was outdated. I manage to stop indexing loop, by updating all plugins and disabling AI plugin.


Hi Folks,

Thanks for the confirmation.

We have discovered that Symfony plugin versions older or equal than 2022.1.257 are incompatible with the PhpStorm 2023.3 and may cause an infinite indexing, so this plugin version compatibility info has been changed on a JetBrains Marketplace.

