Excel Extractor Output for Datetime Field
DB: SQL Server
My setting:
So the RESULT VIEWER shows DATETIME type field value like “2023-12-25” per my settings.
BUT - when I export via Excel Extractor - the value shown in Excel is “2023-12-25 00:00:00”
The problem :
with such value (“2023-12-25 00:00:00”) Excel (US locale) does not recognize it a date or formattable as date,
it sems Excel see it as STRING.
I have to remove the “00:00:00" (with find/replace). Then Excel recognizes it as DATE value.
So is it possible to output the same as seen in the result viewer (yyyy-mm-dd) - i.e. "WYSIWYG"
Hi, we have the mentioned feature request for this feature - https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-11968/Use-proper-date-and-datetime-format-when-exporting-to-Excel-currently-text-is-used
Vote for it to receive updates
3 years and still not delivered, Christ
Knock knock has this feature request been fulfilled ?