Excluded groovy files when i search text in files
When I search for text in files, and I find it in project it doesn't find/search in groovy files, if i filter by file extension, the search finds it, but without the filter, it doesn't display any groovy file, I have no idea what is going on, i even uninstalled intellij and install it again, cleaning all remains related to intellij and the problem persists, i checked all related to settings/editor/file types all is good.
It doesn't happen to other colleagues is only happening to me
I'm searching for “/endpoint” and it doesn't find it, if i search something inside a file where i'm trying to find ‘/endpoint’, let's say another string, it finds it, so i thinkg this bug is related to intellij not being able to search on stuff where are slashes
Hi Ricardo Coto Can you please attach a couple of screenshots showing your search query and files location in the project view? For a more security files can be upload at https://uploads.jetbrains.com (do not forget to share an uploadID here)
Please ensure that a folder containing groovy files is not marked as excluded:
Also, please share information from `IDE Main Menu | Help | About` to understand your environment better