How to install a file set on remote target using cmake?


Hello everyone,

I tried using install() and that did nothing to copy a set of support files onto the remote target. Is that the wrong cmake command for doing that.


It does not even install it locally. 

install(FILES support_files/builder.ui DESTINATION /*********/cmake-build-debug/)


Something appears to be very wrong with this, just inserted a nonsense file name for the source file that is not in the project and reloaded the cmake project and it will build without any errors. What is up with that?




Regarding the “copy locally” case:

Please note that the install() command is executed only when you run the install step. In CLion, you can do that using the Build | Install action from the main menu (see

Just in case, if you want to copy a file at configure time, you can use file(COPY).

Regarding the “copy to the remote machine” case:

You can use the add_custom_command() command for that (see


Thank you very much for being so very helpful and accurate. file(COPY) worked perfectly to get the files on the remote board and locally.

