Clion uses entirely too much of my CPU and it refuses to let me change its settings


So I just got Clion for use with C++, it uses up to 100% of my CPU if I try to: create a new project, edit a project, import a file, export a file, and close the program. To the point where I have to manually end task just to shut it down. I have browsed several forum posts offering solutions and all I get it “change memory settings” and “change xxm settings” I have tried both, Clion will not let me change the amount of the heap it uses, It is firmly locked at 512, I have attempted to change it multiple times, saved, save and restart, save and close the program, nothing works. Has anyone had this issue before?



Clion will not let me change the amount of the heap it uses, It is firmly locked at 512

How exactly have you tried to change the memory heap?


hello! thank you for the response, I've tried changing it through the  “change memory settings” option. It lets you change the heap size, its default is 512 and even though I can enter a new number and click save it doesn't ever actually save it. 


Please try adjusting the value as described here and necessarily restart CLion after that. Does it help? If it doesn't, please do Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data and send the resulting archive to clion-support at Note that logs might contain private user information (like file paths and names).


I think that saved, but i'm not sure what value would be a good one, is the value measured in mb?


Yes, it's measured in MB. The default value is 2 GB (you must have been changed it at some point, since you have 512 MB). You can set it to 2048, enable the memory indicators (, and keep an eye on them for some time. If the memory consumption is close to the limit, you can always increase the -Xmx value once again.


well with the method you recommended the default maximum value was 16000 and the expected value was 8000, I'm not sure what 16000 and 8000 refer to though. I went ah and doubled each of these numbers but that didn't fix the memory issue. 


well with the method you recommended the default maximum value was 16000 and the expected value was 8000

Could you please describe what values you mean? Where do you see them? Please provide a screenshot of the values if possible.

