Structural search - method calls for a particular static method


I'm trying to use Structural Search find all method calls of CompletableFuture.supplyAsync, runAsync etc that do not pass a custom executor. This is where I've reached now:

<searchConfiguration name="$Before$.$MethodCall$($Parameter$, $exec…" uuid="17513432-9de1-3705-8708-4b1302e84a3a" text="$Before$.$MethodCall$($Parameter$, $exec$)" recursive="true" type="JAVA" pattern_context="default">
  <constraint name="__context__" within="" contains="" />
  <constraint name="Before" nameOfExprType="java\.util\.concurrent\.CompletableFuture" within="" contains="" />
  <constraint name="MethodCall" regexp=".+Async" target="true" within="" contains="" />
  <constraint name="Parameter" minCount="0" maxCount="2147483647" within="" contains="" />
  <constraint name="exec" nameOfExprType="java\.util\.concurrent\.Executor" exprTypeWithinHierarchy="true" negateExprType="true" within="" contains="" />

The Type filter on the Before does not seem to be working. If I change that to a text filter for CompletableFuture, it works but that is sub-optimal as it won't give the occurrences where the method is imported statically.

Is this because this is a static method and this only works for instance methods?

I found this bug -, which seems to be related but it's marked FIXED.


> Is this because this is a static method and this only works for instance methods?

Basically yes. The qualifier of an instance method call is an expression, has a value, and therefore has a type. The qualifier of a static method call is a reference to a class, which is not an expression, and has no value and therefore no type. What you need is a Text filter instead of a Type filter, as you have already discovered.

If you want to match statically imported methods, add a `[0,1]` Count filter as well.



