runPluginVerifier no longer works for plugins with "intellij" in plugin ID


As per this post, existing plugins can contain “intellij” in pluing ID. However, plugin verifier stopped working for these plugins.

First, I get this warning (ok, I can live with this):

> Task :verifyPlugin
[gradle-intellij-plugin :verifyPlugin] Invalid plugin descriptor 'plugin.xml'. The plugin id should not contain the word 'intellij'.

But then, after plugin verifier runs, I get:

Scheduled verifications (0):

The following files specified for the verification are not valid plugins:
       The plugin descriptor 'plugin.xml' is not found.

And no verification result or report is produced.

My other plugin (new one, without “intellij” in plugin ID) works just fine.


Hello Slawomir,

Plugin Verifier 1.364 has a known issue with plugin descriptor discovery. This is not connected with `intellij` in plugin ID.

Please track the corresponding YouTrack issue.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


The issue MP-6388 (and therefore the error about 'plugin.xml' is not found) has been fixed with version 1.365, but :runPluginVerifier still fails for such plugins when using FailureLevel.ALL.

runPluginVerifier {
    failureLevel = RunPluginVerifierTask.FailureLevel.ALL

This is the error message:

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':runPluginVerifier'.
> INVALID_PLUGIN: Provided plugin artifact is not valid. Check Plugin Verifier report for more details.
  Incompatible API Changes:

Noticeably, the Plugin Verifier will not generate a report, which is confusing. However, we can see the following in the Gradle log:

The following files specified for the verification are not valid plugins:
        Invalid plugin descriptor 'plugin.xml'. The plugin name should not contain the word 'IDEA'.

It also looks like the actual verification against different IDEs is completely skipped. Before starting with the actual verification against various IDEs, it looks like the plugin verifier removes the plugin from the list of plugins which shall be verified because it is not considered a (valid) plugin.

By removing FailureLevel.INVALID_PLUGIN from the failure levels (or by using the default failure levels), the Gradle task runs through again, but the actual verification of the plugin is still skipped.

Scheduled verifications (0):

I am also not sure which other failures would be reported as FailureLevel.INVALID_PLUGIN, as the failure type already existed before. So I am not sure if ignoring this type of failure is a good solution in general.


The issue still occurs.

First, I get this message:

> Task :verifyPlugin
[gradle-intellij-plugin :verifyPlugin] Invalid plugin descriptor 'plugin.xml'. The plugin id should not contain the word 'intellij'.

The plugin verifier version is 1.365:

> Task :runPluginVerifier
Starting the IntelliJ Plugin Verifier 1.365

Then verifier fails because the “plugin is invalid”:

2024-05-13T00:56:27 [main] INFO  verification - Reading plugin to check from /home/runner/work/wavefront-obj-intellij-plugin/wavefront-obj-intellij-plugin/build/distributions/Wavefront
2024-05-13T00:56:27 [main] INFO  verification - Plugin is invalid in /home/runner/work/wavefront-obj-intellij-plugin/wavefront-obj-intellij-plugin/build/distributions/Wavefront Invalid plugin descriptor 'plugin.xml'. The plugin id should not contain the word 'intellij'.
2024-05-13T00:56:28 [main] INFO  verification - Task check-plugin parameters:
Scheduled verifications (0):

The following files specified for the verification are not valid plugins:
        Invalid plugin descriptor 'plugin.xml'. The plugin id should not contain the word 'intellij'.

No verification report is produced.

It can't be related to, as this issue is already fixed.


See also:



Since then, multiple issues have been fixed in the Plugin Verifier.

Let me point you to the -mute command-line option that allows to suppress specific plugin problems that are not actionable by the existing plugins. This might apply to the The plugin id should not contain the word ‘intellij’ kind of issues. 

