How can I take a look at the $$$setupUI$$$() method? A decompiler doesn't show the declaration
I'm experimenting with IntelliJ's GUI Designer. I wanted to see what code IntelliJ wrote for me. However, I noticed that while the method call is present in the constructor, the call to $$$setupUI$$(), the method itself is absent in the decompiled version of the class file
How can I see the method implementation?
2024.1, Community Edition
Hello, Nad Chel. Could you please check this article (and the following ones) in our documentation?
Hello, Olga Mulina . Unfortunately, I couldn't see how the article(s) addresses my concerns. I want to see the class file that is actually executed by the JVM, after all post-processing magic. It doesn't seem it could execute a class file that calls a non-existing method
Nad Chel, sorry for the misunderstanding. Is it possible to share the sample project, then? I want to take a look at how exactly it looks on your side now. You can do it via the JetBrains Uploads service and write here the ID you receive.