Use regexp search instead of plain text search:


  • A - aàáâãäåæAÀÁÂÃÄÅÆ
  • E - eèéêëEÈÉÊË
  • I - iìíîïIÌÍÎÏ
  • O - oòóôõöøOÒÓÔÕÖØ
  • U - uùúûüUÙÚÛÜ
  • Y - yýÿYÝŸ


  • B - bßƀƃƅɓʙḃḅḇᵬᶀ
  • C - cçćĉċčƈç̈ḉ
  • D - dďđƌƍḋḍḏḑḓ
  • F - fƒḟ
  • G - gĝğġģǵǧǵḡ
  • H - hĥħȟḣḥḧḩḫẖ
  • J - jĵǰʝ
  • K - kķƙǩḱḳḵ
  • L - lĺļľŀłƚḷḹḻḽ
  • M - mḣḿṁṃ
  • N - nńņňʼnƞǹṅṇṉṋȵ
  • P - pṕṗ
  • R - rŕŗřȑȓṙṛṝṟ
  • S - sśŝşšſȿṡṣṥṧṩ
  • T - tţťƫṫṭṯṱẗ
  • V - vṽṿ
  • W - wŵẁẃẅẇẉẘ
  • X - xẋẍ
  • Y - yýÿŷȳẏẙỳỷỹ
  • Z - zźżžƶȥẑẓẕẗ



Thanks. That works.

It's a surprise, though. By the rexep definition, e should match character e only and ë should match character ë only. 

How would one get rexep to operate as defined?


Please send the screenshot of your search (the same as I attached above, but on your machine)


Sorry, I misunderstood your answer. Please ignore my response there.

The request was for Find to ignore diacritical marks. No, your answer doesn't do that. It simply includes them (laboriously) in the pattern. Thanks anyway for the thought.


There is no way to do that via GUI (though you might want to write a plugin, that implements it).

Use regular expression search and paste the class of “e” characters instead of single “e” character.

I created this sheet to help replace the text with the regular expression -

