Mail Block
Hello, my name is Yiğit Okur, I am reaching you from Istanbul/Turkey. My school has a valid ISIC School Card, but despite this, I can not use my student e-mail, IntelliJ Idea IDE. Moreover, I also have GitHub Student Pack. Can you help me to solve this problem of mine? Because JetBrains really has my favorite IDEs to use and that's why I don't want to use other IDEs. When I want to log in via GitHub, the e-mail address is blocked. Thank you in advance for your good work.
Yiğit Okur
Sophomore Software Engineer Student at Isik (Işık) University
Thank you for your request. Please note that some educational domains are blocked due to the previous cases of license misuse. You can't get a license with such email instantly. Please note that also GitHub's and our student checks are different. Sometimes we cannot issue licenses by email or GitHub account alone.
However, you can submit a request or renew your license with an option ‘Official document’.
To get a new educational license, please submit a form and attach your papers
here: .
To renew your license, please log in to JetBrains account (
and click renew. Then select "Official document" and attach your up-to-date supporting document in the PDF format.
Such requests are processed by our managers in a week. If you need a license right now, please start a free trial.