More RubyMine UI dialog
I have attached a video link as this is one of many many issues with RubyMine now.
We have decide to stop using in the team its a productivity killer right now incredibly flaky and these issues surface when you are using RubyMine.
Common issue is scaling which I have posted about already and the solution is to literally shake the IDE by dragging the top bar until various fonts and panels return to normal scaling (instead of 150% zoom or whatever).
Cut-copy-paste fails after a while cut works, paste doesn't and that's because there is nothing in the Windows 11 clipboard there are many more annoying issues like this that may seem minor but collectively destroy productivity while in comparison Rider is almost bug free and these are supposed to be based on the same IntelliJ source?
The search dialog (Ctrl-shift-f) is used a lot by the dev's its key to navigating around in any dev project especially for Rails projects and this dialog has so many issues….first you can't double-click the dialog header to maximise like you can with other dialogs (Debug) that's one of many inconsistencies…then when you're trying to resize the dialog box the grab handles are not easy to work with I end up click down into the editor losing the dialog and having start over again (because I need a maximised view so I can see file paths etc).
But what is really frustrating and the reason we have stopped using RubyMine (for now) is how the dialog will freeze and then take out the IDE eventually as you will see in the video linked below.
I am going to be writing up a proper review of RubyMine its about time I did as I have a lot of experience using it now with the many many issues the IDE has…I want it to just work like Rider and many of the issues could be resolved I am sure but get the fundamentals working please JetBrains things like right-click copy file path should give you a file path not an empty clipboard buffer.
System setup:
Windows 11 Pro on an HP ProBook i5 with 32GB ram.
RubyMine, Rider, VS2022, VSCode IDE's
Enterprise network but I have local admin rights on the laptop
WSL2 with Ubuntu hosting the Rails project (
ShareX recording:
Thanks in advance.
Could you please indicate whether this all happens in a local installation? Or you copy e.g. from remote / WSL one and paste to the host (or vice versa)? Are there any exceptions written to the IDE log (Help | Show log in Explorer) when paste stops working?
There is a feature request that has not been prioritized yet, sadly. Please upvote.
This might be related to IJPL-43734. Do I understand right this happens in WSL? Do you use it localy or it's a remote installation? It would help us a lot if you provide a screen recording demonstrating what exactly happens when you try to resize the Find in files popup.
Does this happen on a certain project types or the same issue affects any project you try? Do you see the same issue in any other IDE?
To help us to figure out the root cause please collect additional diagnostics as soon as you face the freeze again:
You can use our upload service to share the requested details, just let us know the upload ID. Thank you!