PyCharm disables PEP-8 violating by default

In issue PyCharm team decided to disable PEP-8 inspection by default. Do we really need this? Explanation focuses on do not churning new users too much, but in my opinion this approach completely differs from reality. Instead of promoting good practices and highlighting mistakes, all hints will by disabled…


I, too, am wondering how anyone thought that disabling visible PEP-8 warnings by default was a good idea.  Did anyone consider that there are long-term users out here who have been depending on this feature?  I use this product in my beginner Python courses.  We deduct for PEP-8 style warnings left in the student's code.  Now, I am going to have to get all of the students to reconfigure their settings. That is not an appealing prospect.

My next question:  how is it a benefit to professional programmers to turn off visible PEP-8 warnings by default?  I certainly would not want my team doing this.

