Why is copy and paste disabled in Clion "Get from version control"

Why have  you disabled copy and paste on so many features? I cannot even cut and paste a URL so we can retrieve from our private git server. Did I miss a setting some where that turns copy and paste off and on?


I am on a paid subscription NOT the free version.



Could you please describe the issue in more detail? Do you mean that copy/paste doesn't work somewhere in this window?


Yes, that is correct. My view is different and it does not work, it only has a drop down that has urls that have been entered by hand.


Other places have the same issue, it seems like a java related issue. If it is fixable I can keep notes and let you know about them.


My view is different and it does not work, it only has a drop down that has urls that have been entered by hand.

Could you please provide a screenshot of that view?

