Kotlin Notebook deserializeJson with invalid class schema
Here is the code block i use in kotlin notebook and one of the definition of the data classes is wrong;
%use ktor-client, dataframe
val response = http.get("<i cant specify the url>")
val deserializeJson = response.deserializeJson()
The result contains many data classes but one of the is defined as;
data class (
val id: String,
// other fields
As it can be seen, class name is not there. The other data classes looks pretty good. Am i missing something?
Hi! It may be somewhat hard to reproduce this error without a JSON fragment. Is there a chance you can provide one? No actual data is required, just the field names of the JSON.
Thank you.
Okay, i have reproduced the issue for another url. here is the full code that has the problem also;
%use ktor-client, dataframe
import io.ktor.client.request.headers
import io.ktor.http.HttpHeaders
import io.ktor.http.append
val response = http.get("https://api.gainapis.com/v2/content/playlist/category?playlistLimit=100&videoLimit=100&cw=false&categoryId=pFlIW25nHIeRkjjIBLLg&lastPlaylistIndex=0") {
headers {
append("x-app-language", "TR")
val deserializeJson = response.deserializeJson()
the output;
val deserializeJson = response.deserializeJson()
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
data class DeserializeJson(
val `data`: Data,
val error: Error
data class Data(
val playlists: List<Playlists>,
val isLastPage: Boolean,
val lastPlaylistIndex: Int,
val totalCount: Int
class Error
data class Playlists(
val list: List<>,
val lastPage: Boolean,
val lastIndex: Int,
val totalCount: Int,
val name: String,
val type: String,
val playlistId: String,
val playlistType: String
data class (
val id: String,
val metadata: Metadata,
val episodeNumber: Int?,
val seasonNumber: Int?,
val seasonCount: Int?,
val placeholderText: UntypedAny?,
val type: String,
val continueWatch: UntypedAny?,
val titleId: String,
val mediaId: String?
data class Metadata(
val name: String,
val contentRatings: List<String>,
val description: String,
val duration: Int?,
val category: String,
val imdbScore: String?,
val isGainOriginals: Boolean,
val isFree: Boolean,
val images: Images,
val tags: List<String>
data class Images(
val thumbnails: List<Thumbnail>,
val coverPhotos: List<CoverPhoto>,
val logos: List<Logo>?
data class Thumbnail(
val url: String,
val orientation: String,
val width: Int,
val type: String
data class CoverPhoto(
val url: String,
val orientation: String,
val width: Int,
val type: String
data class Logo(
val url: String,
val orientation: String,
val width: Int,
val type: String
Thank you for reporting this. I have reproduced the problem and created an issue on YouTrack: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KTNB-733/JSON-serialization-integration-empty-class-name-generated. We will probably fix it within the next two weeks.
Arkadiy Bazhanov has there any update on this??
Fernandoobregon sorry for the lack of updates. Yes, this issue has been fixed. You need to start the code with
in order for the latest version (which contains the fix) of serialization utils to be used.