Intellij http client - CICD continuous verify / check / lint for all my ".http" files


Hi here

as .http user, I would like (IWL) a solution to verify the set of .http files in my continuous integration (without playing them!) : static/syntaxical analysis.

for ex. IWL a way to detect 

- a wrong http method, 
- a wrong header format, 
- a wrong script reference or script syntax,
- an invalid JSON

That would be great to start with a MVP with existing http-client-cli dedicated option

The goal is to validate in best effort a given update of http files via ci/cd automated static analysis

If some kind of stuff already exists, please add a link

IDEA IntelliJ is a really  great tool/team/product support !
Best regards


Hello, Thanks for this wonderful 



























































































































































information here. newjetnet Like to see this.

