Gradle build failed: org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/Ant
Use the
command to build the intellij-community.
Using intellij-community to build gradle project, an error occurred when executing the main method: org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/Ant. But I don't have this problem when I use the official installation package.
I'm sorry, but I'm confused what you are trying to do. what does it mean to “use intellij-community to build gradle project”? What is the full stacktrace?
What is the official installation package and what is "yours"/"unofficial"?
Thank you for your reply, I used the source code of IDEA Community Edition to build an installation package of idea Community Edition, and then I installed it. When compiling gradle project with it, gradle reported this exception: org/Apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/ant.
Could you please try to build it with