Python facet in a Java project stops working (stops recognising modules after xxx amount of time / after xxx event)


Hi, I am writing a Java project called Ryanair, I also have some code for a python flask server stored in the same project.
I searched for how you can manage two runnable languages and i found that you needed to add a facet to your project, this sometimes works perfectly fine, but at seemingly random times the IDE stops recognising the python imports.
If I then remove the facets and add them again it fixes it.
Does someone know what i am doing wrong / what the issue is here?


After writing some Java and switching to python:

After removing all and remaking 2 of the facets:

If more info is needed, please tell me.

Is it a gradle project? Please try to work around the issue by adding a Python module inside your project. See the related issue.

I believe this works, thanks!

