Any plans to integrate a debugger into DataGrip?

Pretty much what the title says. Is this on the roadmap ?


It is, but not in closest future, to be honest.

First we need to support source code for most of objects and the ability to search through it  — that is what we are working on now.


Is this anywhere near close to completion yet?


Yeah, sure: now we support searching through the source code. We started our investigation about the debugger.


That and execution plan, which is very related for end-users, are two of three reasons why I considered DataGrip. Execution plan is fundamentally broken (DBE-2597). Debugging is now being considered. The last is efficient coding of snippets & patterns which is a something I can't locate.

I will not purchase DataGrip and will tell others to not bother evaluating it. SQL Workbench is about the same imo.


A stored procedure debugger that works with Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and a few others, would be pretty important for taking this product seriously.  As a set of IntelliJ IDEA extra database features that come along with IDEA, this feels like better than nothing.


As a standalone product (DataGrip) this product is WEAK TEA.





To be serious standalone product, it must include at least 2 additional features:

- debugger for most important databases

- source code for database objects - schema (and DDL) compare, support versioning, generate diff code and etc


For now - I can't understand what any reason to have it if You already have any other of IDEA tools?


A debugger is a must have indeed... until then i'm going back to sql developper :-/


A better way to execute stored procedures perhaps ..!! in addition to debugger. So far, weak sauce.


@Binary Now you can use SQL Generator (Alt+Cmd+G) for executing procedures


I'm a big fan of idea and (stupid me) recently purchased datagrip assuming it would have a debugger, and just spent past hour looking for it only to land here to find out it doesn't. geez louise  


+10 to have a debuger in datagrip

I use Rider phpStrom ReSharper  and datagrip

But for oracle package I can't use datagrip and for Sql store procedur and function is a must to have debuger



I have to say, as a PHPStorm user, I don't see the point in DataGrip yet. That said, if it had a debugger, I'd buy it instantly.


when is the debugger coming?


@Maxim Sobolevskiy are you planning to release Oracle debugger first, then Postgres and MySQL?


We don't know yet which is first to come


So when is it the debugger functionality to be added to datagrip? DBE-424 does not say anything about possible releases, and this should be a high priority instead of normal. This tool really needs the debugger to be a better tool.


My vote is postgres 1st, Oracle already have debugger in SQL developer, toad and couple of other tools. I'm running idea ultimate so assume debugger will come with that


+1 for postgres debugger. Would definitely ba a reason to buy this product.


+1. Debug in PostgreSQL is nedded function.


SQL Server + Postgres, any chance to have it in close future? Any reference tracker so far?

