SBT dependancy problem
When working on a Scala project which auto imports from its SBT file; it fails to resolve dependancies to github projects created with "ProjectRoot" or "ProjectRef" note that sbt successfully resolves these:
To explain the SBT file looks something like this:
lazy val sqlgen = RootProject(uri("<Github url goes here>"))
and later
Which works in SBT, this compiles and allows me to find code referenced in the github project.However, Idea does not link the module this creates to the code, so syntax highlighting and autocomplete features do not recognize this imported code, and inspections treat references to the imported code as non existent, producing errors wherever it occurs.
(To make that a question rather than just a comment, Does anyone know how to fix this?)
This does work for me (so long as the github url starts with git:, not https: )
Do you have an example project where it fails?
It has since started working for me, though my experience is that if I build with SBT then Intellij will discover the module in my IVY cache and link it as a second module, but it won't do so unless I build the project manually through SBT first.
Not sure what I did wrong when I first posted, because even manually building through SBT wasn't linking the extra module in my IVY cache
Thanks for the update. Feel free to post an issue on YouTrack when you know more about the conditions where this problem occurs.