Error running Codename One Simulator in IntelliJ 2024.1 on Apple Silicone/Windows 11
Because I am trying to overcome an error accessing a SQLite database in the Codename One Simulator in IntelliJ 2024.1 on macOS, I installed 2024.1 for Arm on Parallels Windows 11, OpenJDK 11 from Microsoft, Java 8. I brought over my SQL Sample class, and ran the Simulator. I got the following error. I cannot find anything in a search on Google. Has anyone seen this error? In my year with IntelliJ on macOS I have not seen it.
Error running 'Run in Device Simulator' Cannot invoke "com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile.getModificationStamp()" because "this.propsVF" is null
Sorry, but plugin is not developed by JetBrains. Please report plugin vendor about this issue: