Remove code blocks from PSIMethod in . class file


Hi guys,

I now need to delete all code blocks for methods in .class file which from import list,  retaining only the structure and sending it to the backend service.
For example:

public class MyUtil {
    public static DateTime date() {
        return new DateTime();
    public static int thisMinute() {
        return minute(date());

Change to:

public class DateUtil {
    public static DateTime date() {}
    public static int thisMinute() {}


My current implementation:

public static String getImportStructure(PsiFile javaFile) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (PsiImportStatementBase importStatement : javaFile.getAllImportStatements()) { // Simplified as an example
        PsiElement element = importStatement.getImportReference().resolve();
    return sb.toString();

public static String removeMethodBody(PsiFile classFile) {
    String text = classFile.getText();

    PsiMethod[] methods = ((PsiClass) classFile.getFirstChild()).getMethods(); // Simplified as an example
    for (int i = methods.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        // getCodeBlock
        PsiCodeBlock psiCodeBlock = methods[i].getBody(); // it prints null!!!!!!!!

        // codeBlockRange
        int start = psiCodeBlock.getLBrace().getTextOffset() + 1;
        int end = psiCodeBlock.getRBrace().getTextOffset();

        // removeMethodBody
        text = text.substring(0, start) + text.substring(end);

    return text;

But I found that the getBody of PSIMethod in .class file always returns null.

This leads to bugs in the above implementation.


Any suggestions?





This is expected that methods in compiled classes return null body. It is documented in com.intellij.psi.PsiMethod#getBody.

I suggest checking what the getText methods return. Maybe it will be exactly what you need, so methods without bodies.


I'm going to give it a try now.
Thank you.

