Select all columns
I would like to see a feature accessible via a table context menu that allows you to copy a select statement for all individual columns to the clipboard. Such a feature is available in SQLWorkbenchJ and MySQL Workbench, to name two.
If I have overlooked an already existing feature, apologies.
Do you mean this feature Table context menu -> Send to SQL editor -> Select All Statements ?
Thank you
@vasily That's exactly what I mean :)
Where can I find this in Intellij Ultimate version.
I could not locate a Table Context Menu nor find an action for Send to SQL Editor.
thank you
@Allen S Bandela,
Could you describe the exact action you need?
Is it look like a feature request ?
@vasily chernov
I found the solution from a comment you made in another post, which is to type Select * from and then use the hint to 'expand to full column list'. I basically needed the full column list in the Select statement so that I don't have to type all the columns.
I needed to use that SQL in R2DBC @Query annotations.
Main features described at DataGrip website.
As for expand wildcard feature
Hi Vasily
I'm sorry I didn't respond to this sooner - this is what I've been using for a little while, and is almost exactly what I was looking for.