Git Log doesn't show deleted files?
Hi Folks. Using IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3 now and I'm looking at a commit that deleted some files. However, the log window (command-9) does not show the deleted files, which IIRC showed in gray before the update. Has this feature been removed? Thank you.
Hello Matthew,
It seems to work as expected on my machine. Were these files reverted after deletion?
Do I understand correctly that the commit is shown in the log, but the Details pane for it shows no files?
Does this happen for all commits with file deletions?
What is the output of the following command for the problematic commit?
Thanks for the replies, you two. I wasn't able to recreate the problem on a new repo. I'll try your suggestions when I get chance.
OK, user error (apologies). I wasn't looking for "renamed from" or "moved from" messages in the file listing on the right. I was simply looking for the gray filename indicating deleted. Thank you.