Hello stlum9495,

Saw this link:



Does that mean that PyCharm EAP is available?  I think there are a

number of us eagerly looking forward to trying this out

No, the PyCharm EAP is not available. We'll announce it widely enough when

it will be. :-)


Dmitry Jemerov

Development Lead

JetBrains, Inc.


"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

Hi Dmitry,

Is there any chance of a rough estimate on when we might see the Python plugin

working in the Maia EAP again? It's only reason I still keep an install of

IDEA 8.x around - especially now with 90.154 which seems like your most stable

EAP build (for me) so far :-)

DJ> Hello stlum9495,


>> Saw this link:

>> http://www.jetbrains.net/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10360

>> &

>> styleName=Html&version=11691

>> Does that mean that PyCharm EAP is available?  I think there are a

>> number of us eagerly looking forward to trying this out

DJ> No, the PyCharm EAP is not available. We'll announce it widely

DJ> enough when it will be. :-)



Hello Chris,

As soon as I have time to test the plugin properly and prepare the release.

:-) Next week hopefully.

Is there any chance of a rough estimate on when we might see the

Python plugin working in the Maia EAP again? It's only reason I still

keep an install of IDEA 8.x around - especially now with 90.154 which

seems like your most stable EAP build (for me) so far :-)

DJ>> Hello stlum9495,


>>> Saw this link:

>>> http://www.jetbrains.net/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=1036

>>> 0

>>> &

>>> styleName=Html&version=11691

>>> Does that mean that PyCharm EAP is available?  I think there are a

>>> number of us eagerly looking forward to trying this out

DJ>> No, the PyCharm EAP is not available. We'll announce it widely

DJ>> enough when it will be. :-)



Dmitry Jemerov

Development Lead

JetBrains, Inc.


"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

Fantastic, thank you!

DJ> Hello Chris,


DJ> As soon as I have time to test the plugin properly and prepare the

DJ> release. :-) Next week hopefully.


>> Is there any chance of a rough estimate on when we might see the

>> Python plugin working in the Maia EAP again? It's only reason I still

>> keep an install of IDEA 8.x around - especially now with 90.154 which

>> seems like your most stable EAP build (for me) so far :-)


DJ>>> Hello stlum9495,


>>>> Saw this link:

>>>> http://www.jetbrains.net/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=103

>>>> 6

>>>> 0

>>>> &

>>>> styleName=Html&version=11691

>>>> Does that mean that PyCharm EAP is available?  I think there are a

>>>> number of us eagerly looking forward to trying this out

DJ>>> No, the PyCharm EAP is not available. We'll announce it widely

DJ>>> enough when it will be. :-)


Permanently deleted user

Thanks Dmitri for letting me know...I'm very very much looking forward to it.  Not at all satisfied with pydev, wingware etc; cannot wait for Jetbrains quality refactorings...although I know this might come in later versions

