Feature Request: Buildout Django Recipe Support
Just trying to add a little more complexity to the Django support you are already planning. But, this would probably be a nice way to automatically give us the right python path.
There's a buildout recipe for Django that creates a file bin/django that is a replacement for Django's manage.py file. What it includes is a path to the eggs, etc. that you are adding to your project as dependencies.
This, coupled with VirtualEnv is the perfect combination for my project, and seems to be the way a lot of Django development is leaning.
So, creating a PyCharm project by pointing to the buildout.cfg file would be ideal. Next to ideal would be to be able to point to the bin/django file, and have PyCharm automagically parse the extra paths in there for us.
I've attached a stripped down version of my buildout.cfg file (taking out all of the proprietary stuff...so it may or may not work), as well as the stripped down version of the bin/djano file for reference.
Thanks for an awesome IDE. It already blows away any other Python IDE out there. Keep up the good work.
Oops. Sorry, I guess this might be a little more helpful here: