How to change code signing identity?

I go to File -> Project Settings -> Target, but not able to change code signing identity. I'm able to write using keyboard, but no list is provided like in Xcode. Whatever I write is discarded.
How should I change it?


Please use Xcode (File | Open Project in Xcode) to change code signing.


I change the code signing identity in xCode but I still cannot get appcode to run the app on my device but it runs perfectly on xCode.  I look at the settings and it continues to show "iPhone Developer" under the code signing identity.  Any ideas?


does the same app runs on a device in Xcode?
If yes, make sure AppCode use the same version of Xcode (AppCode | Preferences | Xcode).
If everything is correct, please desribe the problem with AppCode - what configuration is selected in the list, errors do you get, etc.


Yes, the it runs fine on xCode.  I only have one version of xCode installed on my machine.  Here is the situation:

  1. I have a project that has 2 targets.  For the sake of this example, I'll call them Target A and Target B.  Target B is the problem.
  2. Target A runs on any device fine within XCode and within AppCode.  There are no problems.
  3. Target B is an app store target of my app.  Therefore, for development purposes it must have a valid development certificate and accompaning provisioning profile.
  4. Target B runs fine in xCode on all of my devices that I have appropriately provisioned.  For this example, I have an iPad Air that I am trying to debug the app on.  The iPad Air has been provisioned with Apple and I have downloaded and installed the proper provisioning profile and keys.  As I mentioned, this works perfectly in xCode.
  5. If I select Target B in AppCode and select the iPad Air as the device, It compiles and installs the app and then tries to run the app and I get the following error message:

    failed installing application, reason: Error Domain=JBDeviceKitErrprDomain Code=-402620394 "AMDeviceSecureUpgradeApplication failed with err = -402620394(The executable was signed with invalid entitlements.)" UserInfo=0x610000261a40 {NSLocalizedDescription=AMDeviceSecureUpgradeApplication failed with err = -402620394(The executable was signed with invalid entitlements.)}. Reason: AMDeviceSecureUpgradeApplication failed with err = -402620394(The executable was signed with invalid entitlements.)

  6. I go to xCode and I have validated that for that the provisioning profile - debug setting is accurately set to my development profile.  Look at the following screenshot of my profile


  7. However in the project settings for AppCode, you can see that the code signing identity shows "iPhone Developer"


Any other questions?


Permanently deleted user

Hi Tom,
could you please provide AppCode and Xcode versions and is your identity 'Bookshelf Dev Profile - Tom Welch' is in 'Identities in Keychain' group?


AppCode:  2.5.5 build #OC-131.842
XCode: 5.1 (5B130a)

I'm not sure what you mean by your last comment.

Permanently deleted user

Tom, I meant 'Identities in Keychain' group in the context menu
Screen Shot 2014-04-11 at 16.00.13.png


Oh, got it.  Yes, that is is found in the list.  I have several others as I do work for multiple clients.

Permanently deleted user

Tom, please follow the issue regarding displaying code signing identity

But in my case the certificate picks up correct in spite of displaying. Is Traget B run with the same certificate as Target A? Do you run Release or Debug configuration?
May I ask you to attach build log files for successful run of Target A and failed run of Target B? Please find build log by clicking on 'Messages' button in Tool window -> 'Show Build Log' button

Permanently deleted user

Hi Tom!
Did you solve the problem or still it reproduced?


Thank you for following up.  The problem continues to happen.  The situation is that I have an apple enterprise account and an app store account.  I have targets of my app utilizing both identities but the problem was only happening on the app store identity.  To work around the problem only compile for the app store identity in xcode.


Permanently deleted user


could you please check which parameter is set for Target B Configuration in AppCode: Debug or Release?
If Release is set, could you please try to run on device with Debug configuration?
Btw, did you try to run or debug on device?

Anyway could you please attach build log to your comment.
Thank you.

