Highlight changes in gutter
This may be a no-brainer, but I'm a bit clueless... Up till recently AppCode showed markers in the left en right side gutter of my editor window for all edits I made. Color coded depending on what kind of change, and a nice revert/show previous menu.
'All of a sudden' it's gone and I've know idea what happened or what I have done to disable it. (I do know by now I rely heavily on these markers ;-) Problem is that I have no idea how this feature is called so it's bit hard to find useful info. (Yup, searched the forum and googled.)
Any hint greatly appreciated!
Cheers, Olaf
Can you check, is Version Control (in Settings) is configured properly and all needed files are under Version Control? Usually the problem is there.
Olaf, please attach the screenshot of what it looks like.
Thanks, that may be related. I'm not using AppCode for version control, but after checking your suggestion I found that the SVN plugin was disabled. So that may explain. I'll need to find out how to hook it up, but I guess that won't be too difficult. Thanks again!
It's a bit hard to make a screenshot of something that's not there but here's an attempt:

At the arrow I used to get small blocks that indicated the location of edits in my file. (Small blocks meaning as high as the yellow and blue ones, but just a few pixels wide, and also more to the left.) Similar sympton on the left gutter, where used to be a context menu showing the code before the edit, option to revert etc.
Making progress overhere, but not there yet...

I checked the version control plugins and found that the TFS plugin was enabled and the SVN not. Since we're using SVN (and not TFS) I enabled SVN and disabled TFS. It didn't help, it only made the coloring of edited files in the project tree disappear. So that was even worse, I re-enabled the TFS plugin and now the tree again shows which files are edited.
I also checked an older project and there the issue doesn't appear. So I get the much appreciated:
So my conclusion is that the issue most likely is not related to a source control IDE setting but is rather something project dependent. I have checked the subversion version control settings for both projects and there is no difference at that point.
I almost forgot: if I try to open the Annotations from the gutter context menu in the project that shows the issue I get an error: 'Mappings not found for file 'bla/bla' . Probably that's the cause of the issue, but I have no idea where this mapping should be, how to set it up, or...
Anyone any idea how to check/fix this mapping? By the way, I'm using Cornerstone to do all version management.
Any clue much appreciated!
Message was edited by: Olaf Donk
Thank you for the screenshots and explanations. Looks like your VCS integration got broken. Please check all other VCS features - commit, update, history, diff, etc. Are they working?
Good news and bad: the good is that issue doesn't appear anymore. My history markers are back :^O The bad is I still don't get what went wrong. I followed the suggestions, but didn't actually change anything... The only thing I can think of is that the commit I made from within AppCode somehow fixed a broken link/setting? I'll keep an eye open for future disappearances, but for now I'll leave it as is and mark the thread as answered.
Thanks again for your help! Olaf
Thank you for the follow up. If this issue reproduces, please comment.