Sdk 'iphoneos' not found Petr Shalatonin 创建于 2012年04月09日 08:51 I have just installed Mac OS Lion, AppCode 1.5.2, XCode 4.3.2Issue is - I Can't run my projects. All libraries in Frameworks directory are red. Please, give me an advice what to configure in AppCode?
Thank you. This solution helped me too.
Works for me too! Thanks!
And as a supplement, after you run the command, RESTART AppCode to make things right.
The solution is not working anymore
xcode-select: error: invalid developer directory '/Applications/'
Do you have Xcode installed at that path, i.e. '/Applications/'?
If you have problems with running xcode-select in terminal, try setting correct path via Xcode UI (Preferences | Locations | Command Line Tools)
I have fixed issue by run command line:
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/