Disable "Variable in function should be lowercase"
I tried adding E806 to the ignore box and that didn't work. I also tried using "Alt-Enter" to get it to pop me a dialog to exclude, but that didn't work either.
I'm on OS X with PyCharm Community Edition 4.0.4.
I'm on OS X with PyCharm Community Edition 4.0.4.
Update 2018-10-26
Not fixed, in version 2018.2 Professional.
Using "Alt-Enter" will do what you want - but not for all occurrences - just that one.
I tried adding E806 first, but it had no effect.
Have you tried https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33153270/how-to-disable-special-naming-convention-inspection-of-pep-8-in-pycharm?
Try adding N806 instead of E806.