Slow in OSX
I'm using CLion on a very C++ project (a C++ wrapper for libwebsockets with ~1000loc). CLion is noticeably sluggish in a variety of ways. For example:
- Typed keys and cursor movement has ~250-500ms lag (i.e. I type a lettter and it appears on screen a quarter to a half second later).
- Scrolling through code window is choppy.
- Error and warning highlights are slow to catch up (i.e. I write an erroneuos statement and get a red squiggle. I fix the error and the squiggle stays around - even a minute later).
I'm running CLion 1.03 on a retina iMac with OSX 10.10 which has 4ghz i7, an SSD and 16 gigs of RAM. Is it expected for performance to be so poor on my platform?
Well, I guess I'll chime in since I'm also facing the same situation on a MacBook Pro late 2015.
What I'm finding out is that, if I type or scroll in the IDE while the application window is within the bounds of the retina display, I will experience a significant response time slow-down. However, this machine also has an FHD monitor (1920x1080) resolution, and when I move the window over to that monitor, the IDE response time gets very close back to realtime.
So maybe there's some logic taking too much time while rendering the UI in a retina display?
Hope this helps. Thanks!
Do you use a build with 1.6 jre or our custom 1.8 jdk? You can check this in CLion | About CLion.
I was using the 1.6 one and switched to the 1.8 in the hopes of improving performance. I can't say if they're identical in performance but they are both noticeably sluggish and laggy.
Ok. Could you please then do the following:
- get the project where you experience performance problems
- wait till all the indexes and building symbols processes are finished
- check how much memory is used by the IDE (Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | Appearance | Show memory indicator)
- if CLion is not using the whole bunch of memory, then make a CPU snapshot (following this instruction)
- send the CPU snapshot and the description of what you were doing in the IDE at this moment to - we'll have a look what's going on there for you
The memory usage doesn't seem to be the problem (the project is using ~200 megs out of 1933). I looked into the CPU snapshot process, and I'd like to help but it's too complicated and laborious for the time I have available right now. What I can tell you is that while editing Activity Monitor reports pretty consistent spikes in CPU usage ranging from ~100% to ~%400. During those spikes I don't see any individual core being fully pegged though.
I too expierence the same problem using CLion even on medium-size projects (15-20 average sized .cpp files).
Memory usage does not seem as a problem (CLion uses 1200-1400M of 1933M available) however CPU usage seems the issue - IDE uses 120%-180% CPU all the time even if it was launched hours ago and successfully built all the indexes after that.
I've tried to leave it running making no changes for the source files for couple hours and even after that it often keeps using over 100% CPU all the time.
I use 1.0.3 with bundled JRE 1.8.0_40
Hi Alexey.
Could you please capture a CPU snapshot and send it to clion-support at
Will do in a few, once I get a free minute..
Super slow on my end too. I was using it in linux so wanted to try out mac. I'm experiencing frequent, long spikes in CPU usage. It's so bad it stops the IDE from functioning well for several minutes. I've tried both mac-supplied old java and new oracle java. Same problem. Also, the debugger takes for ever to start up after hitting the first break point.
Hi Jared.
Could you please capture a CPU snapshot and send it to clion-support at
Sorry for bumping this old thread, but I'm also experiencing extremely sluggish performance with CLion on OSX. I'm not sure if it's only applicable to OSX but for all OS (don't have a Windows machine to test with) but it's noticably slow...

I think it may have to do with auto-completion, because that's what it hangs on before I get responsiveness from the IDE again...
EDIT: The IDE is much faster with the Autopopup code completion turned off like so:
Hi Bertram.
Could you please capture a CPU snapshot and send it to clion-support at
Anna -
I've reported the same a couple of months back, and I have already sent snapshots to JetBrains. It's a real problem, because it drains the battery very quickly, not counting the wear on the CPU itself through heat. I've asked for workarounds, tried to disable inspections, plugins... but nothing worked. Can you guys either fix, or send a workaround? It's been going on for a while with JetBrains only asking for more snapshots.
Hi Frank.
I'm sorry for the delay! We suppose that the problem from your snapshots also relates to symbols resolving, but we're investigating the problem still. Sorry for the inconvenience!
I just thought I'd post on here again. I've been using CLion in both OSX and Ubuntu. At first I thought it was just an OSX problem. That's because my laptop would overheat and kick on the fan 100%. However, the same problem is on my linux box. It simply has terrible performance. Hopefully it gets straightened out. Could be a good product.