How can I change permanently CMAKE_C_COMPILER for CLion?
File/Settings/Build, Execution, Deployment/Toolchains shows me this:
Use MinGW home: C:\MinGW
Use bundled CMake
Check Environment
OK Environment. MinGW 4.0
OK CMake bundled
OK Make: C:\MinGW\bin\mingw32-make.exe
OK C Compiler: C:\MinGW\bin\gcc
OK CXX Compiler: C:\MinGW\bin\g++.exe
OK GDB: 7.8 bundled
But CMAKE_C_COMPILER contains C:/FPC/2.6.4/bin/i386-win32/gcc.exe. This gcc is from a working installation of Free Pascal. All other CMake variables contain the correct values. I have removed the C:/FPC/2.6.4/bin/i386-win32 directory from the PATH variable, but I still get an error message:
Error:The C compiler "C:/FPC/2.6.4/bin/i386-win32/gcc.exe" is not able to compile a simple test program.
CMake will not be able to correctly generate this project.
Does this mean, that I have to correct CMAKE_C_COMPILER in every project in the file CMakeLists.txt?
Thank you for helping me
Is this 'C:\MinGW\bin\gcc' an existing compiler?
Most likely this FPC compiler is found by the CMake itself. Try to remove FPC dir from system PATH variable. Does it help?
I have deleted the old project and created a new one. I have moved the path settings for FPC from the beginning and inserted them at the end of the path. The new project worked from the beginning and without setting CMAKE_C_COMPILER and without changing options in the project.
Thanks for your help