History in repl

Hi, is there anyway to access the history in the repl within intellij ?



Up/Down arrows should work.

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.


for me that just moves the cursor in the window, doesn't give me the prev command


I have no idea why it's not working, you create a ticket here to continue our conversation in the ticket: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/CLJ
Additionally we need log file, probably it contains information about why it's not working.

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.


Sorry wasn't clear just realised.

It's fine in the clojure console but if i start a repl vie a run config so that i can pull in the leiningen project then there is no history.

is there a way for the the clojure console to use the leiningen project ??


Ah have found it. On another post someone mentioned getting lein to generate a pom file.

Imported that as the project and the clojure console/repl in intellij have all the correct libs and history works.

