Has JetBrains abandoned La Clojure?
I was excited when JetBrains produced their own Clojure plugin, but it appears to have been abandoned. This is unfortunate, as it's actually preventing us from switching from Eclipse to IntelliJ at my current client. Are there any plans to re-commit resources to the La Clojure plugin?
Kurt Christensen
Hi Kurt.
Clojure plugin for IntelliJ IDEA is indeed not abandoned. We are working currently on moving it to IDEA X platform. You can check it out from the public git repository:
There are different branches, for example, check out `clojure-idea-x' to work with IDEA X platform. We're still thinking that the quality isn't good enough to publish a new release, but in last revisions you can find some little pleasant features, such as e.g. colored parentheses.
With best regards,
Hi Ilya,
I can't manage to access the git repository you mentioned; I get:
~$ git clone git://git.labs.intellij.net/idea/clojure-plugin
Cloning into clojure-plugin...
git.labs.intellij.net[0:]: errno=Operation timed out
fatal: unable to connect a socket (Operation timed out)
Am I doing something wrong? (I'm not a frequent user of Git).
Thanks in advance,
Hello Francesco.
Please, try to clone it from
With best regards,
It worked, tharks.
So it sounds like future versions will be compatible with Idea 10 only? Is that correct?
Hi Ilya,
This is great news. I realize it's difficult to make public commitments, but do you have a roadmap for when the La Clojure plugin will next have an 'official' release, or are you waiting for the release of Idea X?
Also, I was unable to get the Idea X branch you specified. From a Windows command prompt, I have:
C:\>git clone -b clojure-idea-x git://git.jetbrains.org/idea/clojure-plugin.git
Cloning into clojure-plugin...
remote: Counting objects: 3605, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1217/1217), done.
remote: Total 3605 (delta 1873), reused 2744 (delta 1436)
Receiving objects: 100% (3605/3605), 5.78 MiB | 1.86 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1873/1873), done.
warning: Remote branch clojure-idea-x not found in upstream origin, using HEAD instead
Is the branch no longer there, or I am just doing something wrong with Git?
Kurt Christensen
Hmm... worked fine when I did it on my Macbook. Never mind.
No, there are different branches: both for IDEA 9 and IDEA X.