Integrate Grails integration tests with Intellij Idea
I am a Grails developer, using IntelliJ Idea as the main dev tool.
When I run a single integration test, the whole application is being loaded every time for every consequent run.
Is it possible to run it so it behaves more like unit test - i.e. only loads the first time it is run?
I tried running integration test by doing Right-click on the test code, then selecting Run and running it as a Grails test. That way my test(s) pass, but the issue is that the behviour I get is same as if I were running the tests from command line - my application is being loaded every time for every run.
When I do the same, Right-click on the test code, then selecting Run but instead of running it as a Grails test I run it as JUnit test, I am getting loads of errors, "unable to resolve XYZ class..."
Is there a way to achieve flexibility and speed of unit tests when running integration tests?
Unfortunatelly, there are no way to run integration tests quickly, because integration tests require full Grails environment.