Groovy module dependency for Grails and Griffon module
I have some modules in my project. One of them is "Common" module written on Groovy. Code of this module will be used in other modules written on Grails and Griffon. I have this module added as "Module Dependency" for other modules. But when I run my Grails or Griffon application I get an error that some classes of "Common" module are not resolved.
How can I include classes from "Common" module to other Grails and Griffon modules?
Please check that 'add --classpath' option is enabled&checked in your
Grails and Griffon run configuration. Please also check that the output
of the module is actually on the '--classpath' option of the
Grails/Griffon applications that you run from IDEA. Finally, please
ensure that the Groovy classes from the Common module are compiled to
the output, not copied as resources.
"Add --classpath" checkbox is disabled on Grails project run configuration (see screenshot).
Снимок-Run-Debug Configurations.png
Could you please post the screenshot of the 'Server' module dependencies
tab? Where are the 'Common' module sources located on the disk
relatively to the 'Server'?
This is a structure of the project
Project Main Folder
Yes, that's a bug. I've created a bug request
( We'll see what we can
do about it. Thank you very much for the report!
I have created report too: :) Could you mark my issue as duplicate in this connection?