Groovy Quick Documentation Lookup

Quick Documentation Lookup (CTRL+Q) of Groovy methods and classes (either those in my module or GDK) is not working for me in Idea 9 or 9.0.1

I have tried attaching the Groovy Docs to the Groovy project library in the module settings in various forms.  By refering to the, by expanding this zip and refering to the html/api, html/gapi and html/gdk directories

However, Java classes that I reference, both JDK and those in other modules work a-ok, even if they are used from my Groovy classes.  Only CTRL+Q doesn't work

Is there a specific directory structure for the documentation that Idea is looking for? (eg can I add a zip file containing just /html or do the subdirs have to specified seperately)

To test, I created a dummy Groovy class with the following method

* This is a test of groovy doc
def docTest() {
   return [1,2,3,4].collect { it * 2}

Pressing CTRL+Q on either the collect or doctest results in No Documentation Found

Permanently deleted user

I found this issue IDEA-46254 which may seem relevant, but its 14 months old - I thought I had Groovy docs working in Idea 8 at some stage!
Please vote for this one.

Permanently deleted user

Update, this issue has been marked as fixed in build 94.196

Will try in the latest public EAP release that encompasses this build when available.

