How to run a 'clean' command on a module before re-compiling?
I have had it multiple times now that IntelliJ was not able to handle the compiling of my groovy/java projects.
The compiler often complains about missing or non existing classes when running a 'compile' or 'make' on single classes or modules.
However, after invalidating the caches via 'File' -> 'Invalidate Caches' and restarting the IDE the system is able to compile the module without problems. Sometimes it also works to modify all the classes that were 'missing' to force a re-compile of the all the dependencies in question.
The issue is that deleting and rebuilding the whole cache takes tiiiiiiiimeeeee... so much of it that it is getting pretty annoying
I assume that the problem lies somewhere in how the automatic re-compiling and caching is handled for the groovy/java modules and that for some reason there is stale data in the cache.
Is there any way to only clear the compiler cache of a single module?! Or any other suggestions?
Thanks for the help.
Rebuild should help in such cases. But it would be great if you'd report
such problems with scenarios to reproduce, that would enable us to fix
these problems.