Domain classes dependencies diagram(s)

Hi there,

The Grails domain classes dependencies diagrams show all the domain classes
in the project (which is OK for a smallish project, but might pose some issues
as the number of domain classes increases). However, there seems to be a
different diagram for each domain class.

The most annoying part is the constant repositioning of the classes on the
diagram, depending on what domain class the diagram is viewed for (they're
not actually moved, but since they're positioned differently on different
diagrams, it looks like they're moved, as one would get to such a diagram
from various domain classes).

Shouldn't there be a single domain class dependencies diagram for the whole
project? And the navigation would lead there, no matter where it's initiated

Alternatively, the diagrams could be decoupled from the domain classes (and
given a name), so the user would be able to navigate to them explicitly.
This could also be a more suitable solution for bigger projects (provided
there was a way to specify what classes show up on a given diagram).

What do you think?



I was happy with SimpleUML and wish it would be upgraded for IDEA 8.0 compatibility.

I can always use Sparx Systems' Enterprise Architect if I want full-blown UML.

Randall Schulz


If no changes was layout should not repaint. What build are you using?


Hello Dmitry,

It happened in all the builds I've used, including the last one.

I'm not talking about the changes to one diagram, but the fact that each
class has its own diagram. When using the tab at the bottom of the editor
(for a domain class), the diagram associated with that class is opened. If
I change the layout of the diagram, draw some relationships, then go end
edit some code, then come back to another domain class and click the diagram
tab, the default layout is shown, which is different from the one I have
just changed. Navigating back to the diagram I moved things around in shows
me the other layout.

The fact that my changes are not saved and if I close/reopen a diagram I
end up losing my changes is also an issue.


DK> If no changes was layout should not repaint. What build are you
DK> using?
DK> ---
DK> Original message URL:


I think we could make one component like toolwindow or open new tab to show domain classes dependencies diagram. But your changes in code must save, because diagram based on code and not modifies it


Hello Dmitry,

DK> I think we could make one component like toolwindow or open new tab
DK> to show domain classes dependencies diagram.

A new tab would be great.

DK> But your changes in
DK> code must save, because diagram based on code and not modifies it

The relationships and such do get saved. The layout, however, does not, the
diagram is showing the default layout when reopened. Since I can move the
classes on the diagram (which is a very good thing), I'd expect my changes
to the layout to be saved as well.


