Specifying environment for run-app
I may be missing something, but how does one specify which enironment to run from IntelliJ?
If I choose "Run Application", there is a box for "Grails Parameters". If I put "production" in there, I see from the console it is appending production after "run-app"
run-app production
However from the console it looks like its running with the development settings:
>>Environment set to development
This Jira item looks similar,but it is fixed:
I'm on Selena 7718 and JetGroovy 1.5.17497
I never used the dropdown box, but I always use -Dgrails.env=production in the settings dialog.
Cool. Didn't know that. Thanks!
It would be nice if the grails app parameters would process this option without the -D param though.
Thanks again!
I was trying this under edit configurations
In the JVM args.
Which settings dialogue are you describing? Somewhere in the 'project settings'?
Sorry - that does work - I had used that port as well.