Exceptions in 0.6.204 affecting usability

Exceptions numbers 396404, 396406 (especially the latter).

These are causing parsing to be slow, especially clearing fixed errors.


I found two expetions: 39404 and 39406 (there is no 396404 and 396406). Both of them is unrelated to Scala plugin. Are you sure in numbers? Maybe it would be simple just attach them here, then I'll check them.

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.


I'm pretty much positive that those are the correct numbers. If they're
not related to the plugin then something lied because IDEA claimed that
the Scala plugin was the problem.

However, I haven't had any trouble with 0.6.211 so something in that
build fixed the problems.

Thank you,


On 9/21/12 7:37 PM, Alexander Podkhalyuzin wrote:

I found two expetions: 39404 and 39406 (there is no 396404 and 396406). Both of them is unrelated to Scala plugin. Are you sure in numbers? Maybe it would be simple just attach them here, then I'll check them.


Hi Donald,

You can check your submitted exception reports at http://ea.jetbrains.com/



Thanks Taras!

Yes, 396404, 396406 are definitely the correct numbers.

On 9/21/12 8:44 PM, Taras Tielkes wrote:

Hi Donald,


You can check your submitted exception reports at http://ea.jetbrains.com/


Ok, I got it. I searched across exception numbers (which usually consists from 5 digits, not 6), and you gave me report number.
Then I want to say that I have a lot of these PIEAE problems, but I still have no idea about the reasons, and I'm not sure that it's fixed, because I've done nothing for it.

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.


Report numbers are all that us lowly users get.

I've been using 122.395 + 0.6.221 all day long and haven't had a single
exception of any kind.


On 9/25/12 10:49 PM, Alexander Podkhalyuzin wrote:

Ok, I got it. I searched across exception numbers (which usually consists from 5 digits, not 6), and you gave me report number.
Then I want to say that I have a lot of these PIEAE problems, but I still have no idea about the reasons, and I'm not sure that it's fixed, because I've done nothing for it.

